Welp with Febuary over, Lemmings month is also done.
Being honest, im a bit disapointed. I had sadly not the time for it as i thought and the people i messaged seem have forgot about it as well...
Again, i cant force people to join in but its still a bit disapointing - MORE disapointing is that i wrote 20+ people and maybe only 4 answerd. I know that sometimes, people get a lot notes but, come on, i can see you "opend" the IM, at least write back ok?
Anyways, as i said, im only disapointed but not mad, i dont force people to join this little thing since its for pur fun :3 Im still glad for the people which enjoy my stuff and the month overall with the Lemmings theme ^^
As other side note, this month is another "hard" month for me for 3 things mostly:
- First will be most importantly my health problems. I have a lot things in schedule this month about that at all (going to the doctor, driving from A to B, getting stuff checked, going from one doctor to the other one at the same day, etc) which leaves me to the next problem.
- Time.
Like nearly last month, with all the stuff n schedule going on, i will not have a lot time to "do" stuff. So i might will not be able to draw or work on stuff i normally "wanted" to sadly. :c
- Money.
Yes, this month WILL be hard for me money wise. Medicin is expensive - and doctors also want their money. Next to this, my Personal ID needs to be updated this month as well which will also take a HUGE bite out of my wallet (i still duno why you HAVE to pay for something "that" much which is basically your duty to have with you here in germany but hey, stupid laws are stupid laws) which i totally forgot about, gladly a friend reminded me so no worries there, i do it in time but...yea, shits expensive.
Without "begging" for money im just telling it how it is that baaaaasically i think i will not even be able to run this month with 300€ this month heh ^^; which means i can get at least my fridge full with that but else? Yea... ^^; seems like only "FOOD" this month and nothing else XD
I had worse but eh, i hope i can make it, else i pull ma belt a bit :3
But yea, thats all for now! :D im glad people enjoyed Lemmings month. As for this month, IF i have the time for that, i sure need to draw my Lynx Lady next since, yea guess what, its THIS day already, again! haha XD back to back right? :3
Next up, i "wanna" try to draw some other nice pin-ups but also wanna draw some Spy Vs Spy pictures to calm myself at this really busy month (at least for me).
...oh well i guess ^^ Hope everyone else is doing alright! :D
Leave a comment if you have questions ;3
OH i forgot!
Last month i updated my main Carrd-page a bit so it looks now a bit more updated n fancy. hope you enjoy ^^;