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Recent Movie Reviews

75 Movie Reviews

...i dont get it...might be to old for that kind of brainrot.

Im with @MalFromed there, im just to old for this... "gen" stuff, Sorry.
Not everyone is so poggers to have the rizz they cant just dap to...or what ever they use for words nowdays.


MalFromed responds:

It's Alright.
It's a Bell Curve kinda thing.

You're either Young Enough to get it or Old Enough to get it.
Just give it time.

The Brainrot comes for us all, Sooner or Later... 😔

ok serious now, it is already well animated.

but the last like 20 seconds there are kinda wholesome tbh.

as good as it really looks, like it really looks great no doubt, as much does it actually "say" something.

Srsly, we...didnt learn anything there or what it is about. seems like crime? something something?
Sure, maybe the campaign page will tell more but as for a trailer...what is it suppost to "S H O W" or "T E L L" us? No names, most characters blacked out, no name of place, region or similar, years, action, etc.

It misses something which gives us, i duno, which explains us what is going on tbh.

Recent Game Reviews

15 Game Reviews

as for a 48 hours created game. it sure is fine. graphics are pretty for what it is - even if i never will understand the fetish for overstacked/sexualised characters - in that case, this mouse.

Talking about mouse. the controls are... super sensetive, to say at least. Sometimes you wanna jump, she doesnt. sometimes you wanna just climb, nope.

Again, for a game made in such short time, granted but it still kinda ruins the flow of the "fast" gameplay. Its ok for sure for what it is.

kinda reminds me of chips challenge somehow. not but, a bit plain in the art style but sure not bad.

ngl its ok for what it is but the controls...srsly, i can see the "re"flashed but, come on, mouse exists, you have a keyboard with way more buttons than 2 as well. for the love of good, those are not good controls for a game which original is suppost to be "fluent" with its control sceme...

srsly, the original this one is based on feels fluent in the walking, shooting, placing ...this feels kinda odd to play.

edit since i got an answer:
"this project was made to follow the control restrictions of the game jam, we are fully aware it is trash, please stop sending us messages and 0-star reviews that it is trash. The game WILL get mouse controls and gamepad support in the future, we DO NOT intend to preserve the bad NES controls!"

You mean this part? Well than why did you release it that way? Maybe YOU should add that the game jam H A D restrictions and WHICH they were insteed of blaming us, the costumers, which literally doesnt know. But you do you and blame US, the people which have to "work" with this controls, right?

JamesTDG responds:

Sounds like we got another person who didn't read the description

Edit: simple, we've been working on adding additional things to update, additionally, our programmer has a life and only gets small bits to work on the code, so we can't exactly rush out updates, hell, we're expecting to miss our June deadline

Additionally, it's kinda expected to read the description, and I made it extremely clear that people needed to read it.

Recent Art Reviews

75 Art Reviews

i still want my sled ride wish... :c

as much as i enjoy your art and follow you now since i cant remember, something, and the problem is i duno WHAT, is odd looking with the standing pose shes in. I love the coloring, i love how it came out but something bugs be and i duno what. Its a great picture and i have to come back it, maybe i will find out what bugs me about it X3

one wish and one wish only? Ok lets freaking go downhill... with a sled! WOOOOOOOOOOOO

Sup ppl. Name is W.A. the Anum. Call me Walter or just "W" if you want. I create a lot stuff, mostly artworks or games. In the past i also recorded music and made pen and papers. I create such things mostly "for the fun" so i hope you stay and enjoy.

Age 37, Male


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