Welp, in less than 10 hours, for most of us, the new year will begin and 2021 comes "finally" to an end...
Let us ALL be honest here:
2021 wasnt good, simple as that. For a lot people it was less "painful" than 2020 since they finally understood, as sample, that "Corona" is a real thing and kills people and not just a beer-mix on the shelf you could buy. For others, like me, it was even worse for either personal reasons...well...MOSTLY personal reasons i would say.
Still, I stood my ground "somewhat" and made it so far but sure know i have to tackle some stuff in the new year and HOPE, it works out well:
- First of all my health problems got over the year, how else after all what happend, worse. I already got "offerd" help (i cant really say if that was an offer tbh) so i try my best to tackle that down first
- ...which ALSO means i try to get FINALLY my leg fixed - people might remember the picture i have shown of it some weeks ago. Yes, its still in that "state", no, it doesnt really real, no, it doesnt really hurt a lot (gladly).
More plans and ideas i had for 2022...well i made a whole video about it which you can see either HERE or just at my latest uploads on all my accounts (ex. newgrounds since there they dont like video linked pictures i guess so yea, here you go, click there):
Here said again, i didnt cut anything out and its a bit longer (around 18 mins long but actually the whole story what happend to me in this year).
But...let us be real again:
Yes, we all have "High hopes" for 2022...but will it really be different? I mean if i just think about germany and how the actual situation around here IS right now, the new corona omicron is now around everywhere in germany, the inflation rate here gets over-the-top high, prices to just pay or buy simple stuff rised, people moving out everywhere and now the new politics which do more for other people and forget for which country they got literally voted for...
...doesnt sound so good over all...
So yea, honestly here, i dont have high hopes FOR 2022 but said here, i think every year could be better than 2021 by least for me i guess.
So with that said, i wish you all a good, smooth and healthy slide into the next new year. Let us all hope that 2022 will be better and hope that it will actually be, at least a tiny bit. For me, for you, for all of us.