"If people hear about "depression", they always think of a sickness or illness but its more misunderstood, very much even. Depression is not a sickness for a human. Depression is a human which just cant handle its emotions it has. If you think about it, People which see someone crying, they mostly say "stop crying" because they cant *see* someone crying. They dont know how to handle the situation and try to avoid it. It already begins when we are babies, sorta...
Do you know how often i heard from people to "cheer up" and i know they try to mean it well? I never wanna sound rude so i only nod and try to feel calm about it but honestly, if you think about it, noone really tackles the problems i or a human with depression has. it always ends up with being "veiled" from other people so that others around you feel well. "Happy pills", trying to wear basically a "Happy mask" or "cheering up". Noone really asks how a person *feels* which "suffers" from depression, they all mean well but, mostly, for their own good...
(literally i silenced up here a moment)
...which...kinda think of it, is really sad by itself..."