Ok, corona by side now and that literally the last years were basically HELL for me anyway (and for most people as well), as of late, i more and more noticed that a lot stuff feels really "off" in this years. This might happend already earlier but i think it really did start, for the most part, around the 2020s.
What i mean is literally stereotyping everything here somewhat.
As one sample, i tried to ignore todays "kids" music and what they listen - i mean tbh, a lot is really bull and some days ago, i basically got even agreed on the fact by others as well.
Just some days ago, here in germany on my workplace, one of my workbuddies booted up his "music playist" which were suppost to be "new music" (some of them in german).
We listen to it a bit wile we were working but just like after 2 songs, it was basically all "remixes" of music from the old early 90s and 80s.
Dont get me wrong, i like remixes and i like synthwave version of music (hinting the music i linked as ONE sample) but those music was also PROMOTED as "new music" as we changed to actual radio channels.
Like, the actual fack? It feels like musicians cant create anything new anymore and just "grab" something random from an old era which was somewhat good...and make it WORSE and call it music?
Im so glad i grew up years ago because holy fuck is that horrible - even more for the german-music part, trust me here.
Same would also be the trend i already TALKED about which is the artistic trend of drawing females - or transforming them basically - as "bimbos" or "bimbo-fied".
Yes, as of late (at least as i kinda said already so i try to keep it short this time), where EVER you look around, you see a lot "known" artists draw such characters nowadays. short stacked, small, super oversized boobs and hips. Not fitting the characters at all nor would a normal person be able to move with them. Again, trying to keep it short but everyone has his/her own taste..but jesus FUCKING crrrrrist, at least think a bit BEFORE you create such monster. Such characters cant move at fucking all so jesus, dont play "god" with them.
Of course, im just a voice in the wind and sure, none of those artists would take even 2 cents from me for real NOR am i the one who creates "the norm" or something...but my characters can at least breath and fucking move. So again, i didnt say everyone should draw like me and thin characters (because that was last time compliedly missunderstood...) but at least somewhat trustworthy, believeable AND SOMEWHAT "relatable" because than people actually enjoy such charcters more for sure. But yea, than we have of course "the horny" ones which literally give a fuck about such stuff and literally 5-star everything which is fuckable with 2 legs and at least 1 hole anyway i guess...
Another one since the late years, i mean its longer by now for sure but..., its the whole "remake" trend. Movies, Games, musics (basically as i said), it feels like nothing "new" is comming out anymore but gets either "remasterd", "remade" or similar - or a new game is "suppost" to be "free to pleeeee" but has like 5k multi transactions and microtransactions where you already can see that the creators of such games doesnt "want" you to enjoy their game, they wanna milk the living shit out of you.
As for one sample would be, for me, and im sure a lot know that i am a huge lemmings fan.
... Did someone of you ever tried the "game" horror on mobile phones which is the Lemmings game on mobile? How in the FACKING world could Lemmings, a great puzzle platformer "RTS" series END UP as this piece of shit??? Like for fucking REAL, how???
So yea...i know its just my 5 cents to that but it feels like i had to talk about it.
Another side note as well is that i will, hopefully, get myself a new PC (main tower part) soonish since mine is getting to old again, sadly, for all the stuff im doing on. It will still be a Windows 10 one (since i wanted it that way because fuck it) but a huge upgrade already.
So how do you think about the whole situation as of late? Feel free to leave a comment if you want.