Lemmings month is over and as i said, the first half went well, second i had some personal stuff which made stuff not easy for me - in fact i had a panic attack, felt left alone and basically my whole world was for a moment collapsing. Yes, it was that bad...but today i stand here and feel at least better to stay up and do stuff again.
As you might also noticed, i changed my avatar (on Sofurry, im sure it will randomly roll up sometimes~) to something which im sure maybe only die-hard adult cartoon fans know~
After all, i admited to myself that im basically a nsfw artist anyway and love the good old times so i thought about, yea, this might be fitting if somoen gets the ref.
Anyway, as i said, Lemmings month is over and it actually went pretty well (not talking about said last half though), at least artwise. I learned that a lot people actually do enjoy my Lemmings and that it is, for them, literally a call back to the good old times and i feel honored if they enjoy my art this way for sure heh. Again, i do enjoy the old times as well, a reason why i draw such old classics people might rememeber but dont get any credit anymore. This might doesnt grain me a lot of fame or money in the long run but again, as i always say, i dont do it for fame or money. I do it for me and if people enjoy it, thats the biggest payback for me.
Still i have a Ko-fi in case you would be so kind hahaha X3 i know right? heh :3
SOOOOOoooooo what are the ideas for this month...
Being honest, i have a small note here with a lot stuff written down, some of them will be some actual "re-Drawn" from picture i did in the past but wanna re-do. Some cute ones for some. I also wanna draw some more rare characters again like the Enderwoman, my Spies and, who knows, maybe i find finally the time to draw a good furiotic this month. Would be about time heh.
THOUGH, what i actually WANTED to tackle this month was something im basically pulling with me on my back since years.
Yes, i srsly wanna finish finally my biggest Game yet. Daredevil 2.
A friend of mine is working right now on the last boss sprites and as soon as those are done, i wanna try to really "fucking" focus on finishing the game. As i said so often, "it is basically nearly done" and it basically really is. the main gameplay, flow and enemies are already done. 80% of the shop is done. the biggest stuff missing is a game over screen, a winning screen and said boss fights...and i think those will take a wile to "even" them out. So i might ask people who wanna be "beta" testers soon or later before 1.0 release. Mostly to get the feedback if shop prices are "ok", bosses not TO hard and stuff like that - not sure but i will see, i just need the feedback as soon as it its done.
Again this was my MAIN schedule for this month but i might do even finish it next month, i have a L O T going on lately (literally) in rl that keeps me busy but as for now, i try to relax if i find the time for and go on with art. already have one art piece in the making with one of my other girls so stay tuned for that.
If you have ideas for art or what ever comments n stuff, feel free to leave it there mates~
Stay tuned hehehe :3
also a pat on the shoulder and 1 virtual dollar for the one who knows from what my avatar is actually from hehehe :D