Sup ppl. Name is W.A. the Anum. Call me Walter or just "W" if you want. I create a lot stuff, mostly artworks or games. In the past i also recorded music and made pen and papers. I create such things mostly "for the fun" so i hope you stay and enjoy.

Age 37, Male


Joined on 8/29/18

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WAtheAnum's News

Posted by WAtheAnum - February 28th, 2019


Ok where should i begin...

I go with the title and try my best to explain that:

First of all, if peopel followed my journals on serveral pages, my dad was in hospital this month and came back but was NOT cured. they told them in the hospital that he needs to go to a special doctor for his health problem - which is actually a HEART & LUNGE problem. It all sounds kinda bad in the first place but right now, we all duno actually "what" he has - thats why he has to go to this specialist in march so THIS month. it can be that hes just there for 1 day or for 4 weeks, the gap is pretty big here. even with the status he has, we dont know what it actually could be, the only thing we know is that is gladly not cancer but something with to high presure in his lunges and a very rare "sickness", at least thats what the doctors in the hospital here said.

So all i hope is that my dad will be well soon...i really hope that since he already talked about writting down his last will -.-;


About my artisical stuff, i take sure sometimes longer breaks from it since i need to focus. its not like i dont want to draw but, you see, i have some other things to do which...well...."keeps me busy".

Also another thing about my art, i actually teased since beginning of the year that i would begin a big project if i have the time for or like. The problem about it is that, I really wanna do it. Really. I just duno if i would finish it since it would keep REALLY LONG to finish it. I will not tell "what" it is but it sure effects my art a lot...at least for the time i "work" on the project.

with that said, what will i draw or what do i have for ideas:

- first if all, i will try to finish the Furiotic project i work on. the 2nd part is already WIP and i think it will get at least 2 more pictures PLUS a cute "the end" picture, which makes it 5 in total

- After that, i have 2 other funny ideas i will work on. one is kinda a redrawn, the other more a joke i liek to make.

- After that i actually have written down here "Dont forget easter bunny" which might means i also draw a easter picture to "get ready" for the time, you know, a "before easter" picture as always

- There is more. I also wrote down "Krystal, Renamon, Okami". Which might means i will draw those ones again IF people like those art i did already from and with them.

About another thing, since someone actually poked me, whats with project "Talvion"? Well to be honest, the last time i worked on was last year and i pretty much put it "on ice". its not like i dont WANT to finish this "game", more like im fucking bad in pixel art and even worse if we talk about spaceships and lasers. With that said, i still have the files and stuff for it but i doubt i will finish it since if i would, the ships would look like fling dicks...in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace.

Other Games? Well i began to fool around with the program last month and maybe, MAAAAYYYBE i will finish another game this month, at least around easter at last.

thats all for now. if you have a comment or idea, just leave one for me or my dad.

Posted by WAtheAnum - February 5th, 2019


Well i think i did well with my latest pictures and i had actually a LOT fun drawing every single one of them somewhat ^^

So what i will draw this month?

Ok lets go for the list first:

- I already work on a cute picture for V-Daym before i forget it or have no time for it (reasons later, keep reading)

- A Cowgirl pose picture i had in mind

- Re-Drawn! Another picture from Faly someone told me on sofurry i should re-do and i might give it a try ^-

- A Furiotic? im not really sure about that tbh buuuuuuut its now over 2 months ago i did draw one sooooo....

- A special picture with a character i never drawn before, if im really in the mood for

- maybe another spy vs spy picture OR big project~

About the "time reasons", lately im worried about my dad. Today he went to the doctor he told him he has some real blood problems. Keeping things short, his blood mixture is a bit to "fat" for his veins and the doctor doesnt know why so my dad has to go to the hospital next week. Since we all dont know "what" "produces" this problem we are really worried - even the doctor which said it CAN be a heart- or lungproblem. Next to this they found some blood in his defecation and the doctor said it MIGHT be colon cancer...

As you see, this is still a shock for me and for sure my dad and still hard to deal with since we dont know what COULD happen next. IF (and i really hope so...) hes lucky, its just a infection or/and a flattened vein which would be cured quickly but since the diagnose is pretty much either "all or nothing" you can see why i really try to help my dad out for the next days, which might means i take some days off from drawing to get "right in the head" and can actually focus about the situation.

So yea, thats pretty much all for now and just hope for the best for my dad here ^^;

Posted by WAtheAnum - January 24th, 2019


After my last pictures, mostly the "re-drawn!" series, i have sure some other poses in mind i will draw pretty soon but since i had pretty much a WHOLE lot fun redrawing old pictures from me and pretty much overhaul them and making them look better, i ask myself, maybe you guys have some pictures in mind i should redraw again or give another try. I mean, my gallery on FA, DA, Sofurry and co are pretty big (doesnt count for newgrounds so far X3).

So if you want me to redraw a older picture from me, why dont you link it to me per comment and i give it a shot if i think its worthy to do so? :D

Also, other stuff will come soon! Might be a bigger thing, just sayin~

Posted by WAtheAnum - December 24th, 2018



I wish my watchers, comment writters, fave-makers, all people who enjoy my stuff, the people here, at home, at work or far away from their home, their families and friends, my friends and sure my family a merry little Christmas. May your wishes come true and the days are great for you and your close ones ^^

Posted by WAtheAnum - December 17th, 2018

Since i uploaded now more and more art, i really do ask myself "should i post more"?

Sure some were not up to date (maybe some month old) but if people really would enjoy i could at least upload some (sexy) pictures from all my characters (at least the most of them) so people can see them "in action" or have a new face they might like here. again, im pretty new "here" on newgrounds and i uploaded most of my art on my other accounts already (look my profile) if you really enjoy what i uploaded "so far".


So whats your opinion?

Posted by WAtheAnum - November 20th, 2018

i will soon upload some more art here, i already added some but i sure will at least finish uploading the "with X at the beach" series. its a bit older so the discriptions might be a bit out to date. still, i think the pictures are still nice and, at least for the series, 6 will be uploaded soon. stay tuned.

Posted by WAtheAnum - October 29th, 2018

Sadly for me, it was to big for flash and it doesnt work propper in H5 so i had to create a download version. Still, its nice to play this way AND in fullscreen mode too! :D

Sprites and Game

Done by me (yes, even the Lemmings one is redone and resized by me ;P)

Title Art (commission)


"The Internet"
Montezumas Revenge on the C64 (coz as gimmic~)

Musics by

8bit Betty
Kevin Mcleod
Lemmings are Original by Sony (i think now?)
Also: Even if i mark it as "Fangame", it kinda feels totally different to the original game. Im just a Fan from Lemmings and already created Games from Lemmings in the past....buuuuut those there more like the original and more...."meh" compared to this one.

Oh boi, There we go again. This time i actually tried to mix a lot type of games and creating basicly a "rouge-lite/-like" game. I took elements from "Spelunky" but add the focus on the "Lemmings" gameplay plus digging and collecting money.

I came up with this little Game which i lovely call "Underfoot". :3
The goal of the game is to survive the underground, collecting money, getting stronger and sure reach the exit.
The game has 10 Levels wile the 10. Level is kinda the "Last level" (you will see what i mean if you reach it). I builded in a ingame manual which explains the basics but i hide some mechanics so you have to find them out yourself. ;3 IF i have a better idea, i might add more "endgame content" but im bad at designing "bosses" or like and since this game is about "digging" and not much "fighting"...well i duno tbh...
And yes, the warning at the beginning is NOT a joke. Im srs there.
Im sorry if i didnt do better but i tried with this game to do something good. i had a lot fun working on it and maybe i update some stuff, like fixing the prices of the shop or droprate(s) BUT for that i actually need some feedback, which i hope i will get so i can fix the prices and the droprates if people say, as sample, they get way to much money or way to less, depending how they played.

Again said, this game is about DIGGING, not "Rushing". You sure have a timelimit but you should USE it, not "waste" it. Every second can be used to dig and collect money, which you need to get better stuff in the shop :3

I hope you enjoy it and that i really get some good feedback ^^
Also If you enjoy, Make a screenshot from the winning screen so i can have some stats to compare ^^

Posted by WAtheAnum - September 17th, 2018

As you might saw (or didnt...) here


Next to my flash games i created (so far) this bigger game, based on a C64 game from 1984 named "Spy Vs Spy", more known from the Mad Magazine Comics.


The reason why i am so proud is it also got honored by one of the original creators from the original game from 1984. Not only that but i really put A LOT effort into it that this game comes somewhat close to its original. Sure, i know its not splitscreen but i can tell you it makes a lot fun playing with 2 players together against each other.

I know that might sound like a bit "advertising", where you might be even right but i sadly cant upload it on Newground since

- the game mechanics are broke in the flash version, i duno why but i tested it but they dont work.

- i used music without permissions. i tried even to ask some of the artists but i got no respont so far, which is just sad. sure i could "cut out the music" but then something will be missing (if you play the game you might will see what i mean)


Again said here, it is a freeware fangame and im sure people would enjoy it more if i would be able to create a "online playable" version for flash but then i have to redo the whole game "just" for the flash version - which i dont see is really worth it if i might risk that the mechanics are broke again at the end.


So all i can say is, if you are able to play with a friend on 1 PC, you should please give it a try and might give me some feedback. It would be really nice of you since i try to work on this game to improve myself and even work on a new game "like" this.


thank you!

Posted by WAtheAnum - August 30th, 2018

im a bit confused about the uploading art tab


"This is not a sketch, please include it in the Art Portal."

maybe i dont understand this sense but, do i have to check it IF i want to show it in the Public art tab.....or not check it?


Im a bit confused by that tbh...coz i checked them which seems....logical...?

Posted by WAtheAnum - August 29th, 2018

Well hello everyone here on Newgrounds. After people told me i should "try" to get here a account on Newgrounds for my games i make, i give it now a try. So yea, be ready to get spamed by some games from me the next days lol XD