Sup ppl. Name is W.A. the Anum. Call me Walter or just "W" if you want. I create a lot stuff, mostly artworks or games. In the past i also recorded music and made pen and papers. I create such things mostly "for the fun" so i hope you stay and enjoy.

Age 37, Male


Joined on 8/29/18

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WAtheAnum's News

Posted by WAtheAnum - August 20th, 2019


As for the game im talking about, im talking about my game which you can play on my accounts around the net like on newgrounds here:

As for people who might know and remember, i sure enjoy makign games but sometimes it needs a little help from someone else to create "what" you want. Said that, with a lot coding and artistical help from "Glitchydust" from Newgrounds, Stiff Digging 2 will get a HUGE improved overhaul in MANY ways.

So what was Glitchydust working on and what can i at least tell you without spoilering to much:

- First of all, Falling boulders. that alone will be a huge improvement over the original 1.00 version

- WAY better artstyle. Im srs here that my pixel art-"skills" are not the best so this will be really nice now

- Overall way better movement overhaul

With that said, im glad for Glitchydusts help since he created a better base and helped me not only with the code. He himself is also working on a game, its not finished yet. His Newground account:


So yea, as for the "new versions release date", i dont know and i dont rush it. i just want to say to get ready for a HUGE improved "new" Stiff Digging 2 experience. ;D

Posted by WAtheAnum - August 2nd, 2019



This journals "kind of writestyle" (you will read what i mean) is more suppost to ment for my accounts NEXT TO NEWGROUNDS. So watchers/people on newgrounds are pretty much not the reason "why" the journal looks like that. So again, you guys are fine ;)

Well, august baby and what can i say. lets get over some topics which i reeeeeeeaaallly like to roll over my tongue~

1. Im about to leave - e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.

Yes. this is not a joke.

I asked for help and i ended up in a room of greedy people who didnt even have the 10 bucks to help someone to ask and offerd a handcrafted game with nsfw stuff in it. I know people want it, i saw on all my pages the interest -is- there since they asked me "WHEN IT IS FREE"!

You know how that feels~?

Its like you create something as "reward" for people who really help me out and people give a crap about the whole situation. I saw people on FA and co which asked for a LOT money for reasons which are far more idiotic then mine which actually was really a think of help - oddly THOSE got money and me? Well, let me tell you...


Thats right. noone. not a SINGLE one. i got nothing, no money, no copy from StarVixen was given anywhere to anyone...OH NO WAIT!

There was actually ONE, yes, ONE person on IB (and he also has a FA) which gave me a huge amount of money which i cant thank enough about it. I dont wanna make this said person look mad or i dont wanna call this person out but, being a fair man, this said person barely even know my stuff and art but still gave me a huge amout of money i am really thankful for. this actually, THIS SINGLE PERSON, helps me a lot getting my new PC i need "very soon".

Oh and to be sure, i sure shamed myself since it was just this single person who gave me such huge amount of money. i dont wanna say the exact amout but lets say it was sure so much, MORE then i get in a month, just so YOU GUYS who asks me "when the game is free" knows.

Im kinda sorry im a bit "in rage" here but, im honest here, shame yourselves at least a bit.

3. As for my good watchers! Something for ya :D

I have some watchers which follow me now a long time and actually care what i do. they might did not support me with money but with a feeling and the comments n stuff which let me know im creating something which is really worth doing.

As i so often said, i never ask for fame. if i ask for something, it would be respect for what im doing.

Yes, im not a mainstream freaking krystal and renamon titty furry fag artist, i do my own sheat. I draw Spy vs Spy, i draw Lemmings, i create games, i create music i love and like, i make pictures from me with a he-man wig, i do all the shit i want.

Im not born to be 1 single voice in the crowd, i want to be -A- voice in the crowd. Im not a fuqin yiff artist which creates OCS which get layed by nearly everything. i "create" figures which have a life and a romanic and like to tease and if they have a intim moment, it is a lovely one, not a rape one.

As for all my watchers here again, i say thanks and i want that all my watchers which actually read that, write me please a note.

write me a note with 3 details from my characters, 3 different ones, and why you like or love or how you know about this details. Just for the fun of it. I will read those notes and will add something in return IF i like them/they are correct since you guys are also worth it, you guys were the reasons i keep so long going and doing this and you deserve it.


As i said, i QUOTE:


"Yes" but not right now."

Major look up two things here:

First i wrote yes with "" and i used the word "POOR BASTARD". Im actually thinking to release a so called "poor bastard edition" which makes the game very unfair next to the version my other people will get for free. HEY! i am in rage mode and, for real, creating a game which was normaly there to thank people got smashed with the question when it will be free, do you think such think feels good~?

Im srs here, i thought about to release the game very soon or at least as soon as i get the money i need. i got for sure now from this said single person a lot money and now i "could" say "the game will be for free". first, i think i wait a bit after all. Yes, the game is finished, just fixing some stuff here and there in the last days, but, like for real?

I think i will release the game for free, the full version (yes, i think it sure would be a dick move to create a "poor bastard edition"...but that doesnt mean i DONT keep it in mind~) at the end of next week or at least the end of this month, depending how thinks work out for me.


Well, since noone really gives a crap about as long as i dont draw any known character, fuck it i say it anyways what im about to work on.

- Another picture with Lemina. i have something in mind which is just to cute.

- A cosplay picture with someone, i dont tell which cosplay~

- A Spy vs Spy picture i guess

- another Re-Drawn! picture

- The picture pose from Starvixen for Krystal (yea, "krystal tittys")

Anyways, what ever i would say now here, fuck it. who cares, right?

Posted by WAtheAnum - July 28th, 2019

First of all, i know they were a lot problems about the link below the uploaded teaser pictures. The link was only there for a shorttime and doesnt really work anymore so i uploaded the fullsize picture here now too, to view it better for yourself and you know about what im talking about:


SOOOoooo well then.

About the game i guess:

Yes, It is basicly a pretty nice Shooter where you shot & avoid stuff which is basicly a 2D Starfox. Not with all the level stuff and different ways to choose but more a "the longer you play, the harder it gets" type of game - and yes, i really mean it gets really harder and harder.

You can choose where to begin. Easy begins really pretty "tame" with 1-2 enemy types wile "Hard" let you begin already a bit "forward" in the time-line were more and other enemys spawn.

Next to this, and i think this is for the most people the important part, If you shot enemys, you sure get points. Points are worth INGAME Money with a 100:1 Ratio (100 Points = 1 Money).

You will need this money to unlock the -50- (yes, 50) Cute and Sexy Adult pictures which you can find ingame.


Long story short, in my latest journal, i said im in n-e-e-d of money for a new PC. Working on this game showed me already that my laptop is on the hard end to break down - i had to work several times on this game from GROUND UP coz my laptop wasn saving the datas, just said.

With that said, HOW DO YOU GET IT NOW?

Right now, i offer the game for a small price which think is ok to ask for. i think 10 Bucks are ok, if you spend more, sure why not.


FIRST of all: NOTE ME. I NEED your email adress

Donate me 2 Shinies on FA OR Send me the money directly on my paypal (i will give you the adress).

If i got your money, i will send you a download link to the game. it willl work only ONE-TIME. (the game is about 85 MB big).

I think its just fair to say, again, i really need some money and the game was not easy to create. I MIGHT make a small video for it so you can see its really a lot fun to play.

Thank you still in advance for your intresst into the game ^^

Some Questions!


"Yes" but not right now.


Tell your PC to shut the fuck up. I can for sure confirm its not a virus.


Yes, and no. At the beginning it is sure easy, later on it gets harder and harder but enemys appier to make it sure worth it.

Does the game has a END or is it a ENDLESS GAME???

BAAAAAASICLY it has a "END" but i dont tell. IF you will REACH it is another story but if you do, make a screenshot. i wanna see it. No shit, i REALLY wanna see it (its build in, trust me~).





Posted by WAtheAnum - July 23rd, 2019

Look at the picture and read the story here below it!



Posted by WAtheAnum - July 3rd, 2019


Uff...yea....as normal, i write another new journal like now nearly every month but this month, all i can really say is basicly i have no idea.

Im kinda srs here since i have neither a "good" idea i can talk about my artstuff - like ideas for pictures or like - nor other stuff which would have something to do with stuff im also doing - like games.

As for the artpart, i have "some" ideas in mind but not really any poses or "real" ideas for stuff more like "hm...i could try this". so not 100% worked out ideas where i say "boom baby i draw it!" more like "i could but i duno".

As for the games part, i began to work on a game already last month but i stopped working on it for now since i need some ideas the game i working on actually "works out well". As i said it is and will be a sequal to a game i already made but i have to work on a better working system before i actually can "call" it sequel and not just a "remake" or something.

Next to this, im missing a lot motivation since my last games i made pretty much ended nearly untouched - and that even after i putted a lot effort into them..

So right now, i have no clue what i will do. Steam Summer Sale is still running in the other hand and i got myself some games i enjoy (next to mario maker 2 for ma switch lol) but im often in the mood just sitting there doing nothing or relaxing. I really need some motivation to do "anything" <<;

Posted by WAtheAnum - May 30th, 2019


Well time goes by and its time for another journal post to fresh up the older ones :>

So yea, as you might can guess, i got myself "Katana ZERO" for the switch and had myself a good (but way to short) time. Love the music and gameplay so if you enjoy fart (but hard) gameplay, you should give it a try, really worth playing, story is a bit confusing but enjoyable for sure :D

As for other stuff, the title pretty much gave you some hints, i might work on another game "soon". It might be a sequel to "Shade Runner" which would mean another erotic game~ it would be pretty much the same i guess just with another maze and, of course, other (and more~) sexy pictures hehe. As for another, "Real" game, i have one in mind, IF it works out as i want to. I dont wanna tell what it would be but it is also another sequel to a game i already made.

About my already existing games, Someone asked me if i could "count up" the games which you need to download from me and you cant play here in your browser (aka online). well ok, here a short list from my more, bigger games you have to download from gamejolt:

- Spy Vs Spy - The Fuse and Ms Fire Files

 2 Player O-N-L-Y game. A homage to the classic Spy Vs Spy game(s) from 1984 with sneaky gameplay, traps and humor :D

Current version: 1.22.0 (GOT A UPDATE TODAY! :D)


- Underfoot

A 1 Player rouge-like game where you play as Lemming in the underground, trying to survive it, dig, collect money and find the way out of the caves.

Current version: 1.1.2


- Shade Runner

A 1 Player Pac-man/X rally hybrit game in synthwave style and a furry erotic touch~

Current version: 1.0.6


- Project Bomberman 2

The follow up/sequel to my other bomberman game. better gameplay, rules and overall bigger & better~

Current version: 1.0.1


Those are, so far, my 4 bigger games and sure worth trying ^^ all are free so dont worry about it hehe :D

So about my art, i sure have a LOT ideas comming up, huff! WAY to much to be honest hahah XD i just duno "how" i should draw them.

- I have some old pictures i want also to "re-draw" soon

- for sure a Spy Vs Spy one but i need a better pose for that

- maybe a furiotic? who knows~ :>

- A Shower picture oh yea~

- another cute picture with Lemina ^-

- IF WANTED, a lingere picture :>

So i hope ya all have a good day and if you have a question, leave a comment! ^-

Posted by WAtheAnum - May 30th, 2019

For people who enjoyed my last simple erotic game and likes simple gameplay + a touch of furry erotic in general might enjoy my downloadable game "Shade Runner", which you can get here:


Posted by WAtheAnum - May 8th, 2019


Ok i actually took some time for the journal since i didnt want to write it down to early nor to late, which it basicly is "now" X3 but hey its never to late to write a update ey?

So yea, whats new n stuff~

First of all im a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit worried about my laptop. its now not only getting old but i think i have to get a new one "soon". i dont say the old one makes now problems, not "big" ones at least, but lets say.....i can "hear" its getting old...

only problem: money. i dont have the money to get myself a new one tbh and i duno how i should get the money in the first place <<; which might be a big problem...

About life, well, i try to help my family here a bit more since my dad still has his problems and my mother actually needs a operation at her knee since her knee is heavyly damaged. So this also keeps me "busy", helping inside and outside the house and keeping stuff running.

Artwise, i got myself new gelpens, Pilot V5 Hi-Tecpoint Tintenroller (thanks @ cartoonwolf), since my older ones i used are pretty much...well....empty. Those are actually good so far, now i only hope they dont fuck up after i use rubber on them (for cleaning up the paper from the pencil sketch).

I sure have also some ideas i will draw in the "near" future, one of them is already in work but this time, i dont actually tell what i will draw, for now.

I also got asked about my teased "big project" or if the game i was working on was this said project.

First, no, it wasnt.

Second, Well as i said i sure HAVE the idea and i might work on it or not, which is the problem, it will take a LOT time and i would work on it for a long long time and would maybe draw this project only. So i duno still.

About the said game, im a bit disappointed that it is pretty much sitting in the dust right now, pretty less downloads or views (namely the Project bomberman 2 one).

This is also a reason why i really lose motivation to work on any game.

If its to small - noone looks at it or plays it for long

if its to big - noone downloads it or views it anyways

the only thing people look at if i would write "POOOOOOOORN!!!!" on it in big letters - looking back at my already created 2 small ero-snap games or "Shade runner" which got already over 1k views and lots of downloads, thinking about its basicly nothing more then a synthwave-pac-man game...

So yea, i will see if i "will" work on a new game but that for sure another day and if it would be for sure another sequal to one of my other games - and i sure hope its also playable viva browser. If not, well people still can download it anyways.

So yea, thats all for now. wish ya all the best and hope you do this for me as well ^^

Posted by WAtheAnum - April 27th, 2019

I finished my game today. so in case you want it, go here

It already got a small quickfix (Version 1.0.1) so that it should be able to run smooth again. just download it there and enjoy ^^

jesus this took me a week of work, i hope people enjoy it...

Posted by WAtheAnum - April 2nd, 2019


April fools day is over and its kinda time for a new journal now eh?

So yea, since i wrote in my last journal that i was kinda sick, yes. march wasnt really the best month for me so far. dad went to hospital, glady we drove back home with him (so he had not to stay there), i felt sick, other stuff also happend but meh, to much to tell and count up now at least.

Some in regular:

- I finished still some good amount of pictures like the mini furiotic series. i still HAVE some other ideas i will try to draw and will go on with that.

- One of my close friends is thinking about to throw the towel in a thing she normaly did "so long" now. I had to help her out but to be fair, i cant tell "what" we were talking about so its her thing now and i only tried to help.

- One of my other friends and great artists came back to DA. Still, it seems like he is a bit down and so i tried my best to cheer him up, for the better.

- Way to many good games came out like the new Toejam & Earl game, Yoshis new game or Risk of Rain 2 - and i got all 3! SO MANY GAMES XD

So yea

right now, im "fine". Spring is finally here and that means i will sure work more in our garden and clean up the mess the winter and weather left outside.

Artwise - Well, as i already said i have some ideas i will give it a try. April is also the month of Easter which sure means there will be another Easter Bunny picture around Easter time. I also still have my "big project" in mind and think about if i have more time to finally give it a try, said again, it will take a lot time if i really start that one. At this moment i might sound like a broken record a bit but, to be fair, i duno if people would enjoy it as much as i might do. Sure i could say "fuck it i do it for me" (which i mostly do anyways) but more like i want to draw this project 1:1 as i have in mind and i will try my best with it and not just "jump over it" and in the end it doesnt look good or doesnt tell the "story" how i wanted it to show people, if you know what i mean.

Anyways, Stay tuned peeps and enjoy ya day ^^