As for people which follow me they know i have my places i upload my art and pages i often post it as soon as im basically done drawing it. This could be some discord servers, mostly mine or from my friends, as well as some pages...
...but as of late im honest, it feels like every pages come with their own pair of problems. I already, if i remember right, hinted to leave some pages and accounts "behind me" because not only do i basically get no real feedback or comments but also do i think i dont really "fit" on the page as whole there anymore. It feels odd and weird to explain it but im sure, at least i HOPE, a lot people know i dont call myself a "furry". Long story short, i dont do so because i dont like whats happening "in" the fandom anymore nor do i have the urge to be "compared" with it when ever i upload some mature or adult art - because not only does (and already did...) hurt me in the long run, the fandom is already called out a lot of the times as "weird".
Im sure every fandom has its black-sheeps and dark corners (im sure the anime fandom as one sample has sure a lot of them as well...) but the biggest problem with said fandom IS, it basically has no limits. when ever something looks like an animal "somewhat", what ever the form is, adult or actual "CHILD", normal or extreme fetish, SFW or literally something you wouldnt even show your grandma, it has no limits with anything. You can basically create the weirdest abnormal abomination - as long as it has "at least" "a" pair of tits or a dick OR both, is somewhat fuckable and maybe has ONE weird kink on it, someone there WILL like it - as long as it is somewhat of an animal at least.
Thats why i think nowadays furry "fandom" went literally over my head and im sure not only do i feel better if im not part of it, im sure people didnt really miss me in the first place.
But than again, it makes it look still weird if like 80% of my art is with my furry characters or the fact that most of my art accounts "are" on furry-like pages - like inkbunny, furaffinity or Sofurry just to name some.
But as i said, it feels like every page has a fair share of its problems:
I think by now its known IB allows literally cub-p0rn. This is something i really never enjoyed nor understood. Sure, people say "its fantasy and those are not humans" but...still, why is my question. What "turns" someone "on" by literally getting laid or, even worse, fuckin a...well "animal child" if we go this road. Those ARE questions to ask because it is, for someone like me, somewhat disgusting and throws them (the people like me i mean) off. Its not natural so to say, even for furries, to go "that way" with stuff like "actual child porn", saying its "just fantasy" sounds even more like that it makes thing worse tbh.
I can get ad understand if you had a childhood crush on a teencharacter or something, i mean even i had and im honest here, but you cant be serious and say like "do you remember that one animal child from that XY show back in the day? Its kidna hot." - and yes, i "HAD" such talks on inkbunny already there and around the internet where i literally thought "what the fuck even IS that topic? are we really talking about THAT now?"
So yea, long story short, im not enjoying cub porn, i really didnt wanna kinkshame here (hints the fact i didnt name people) but its really not my cup of tea, CLEARLY not.
The other thing is also IB allows AI-Art - somewhat at least. From all the pages, why IB? I dont get it, its a page where it doesnt even "fit" somewhat to the theme. If you also use IB, i hope you know what im trying to tell here, it...just doesnt fit the page at all.
Lets be honest here and i try to keep it short: Deviantart nowadays is a hellhole. AI-art everywhere, you have to actually pay basically to have your art "somewhat" protected which is basically a scam anyway, arttheifs EVERYWHERE and the UI is just..."why". the fact that they took away simple things like the ACTUAL ABILITY TO USE A S E A R C H FUNCION for thinks like your fav-gallery should speak for itself.
Still, literally everyone is using it and just "taekes it". I know a lot people "said" and posted things against said things like "NO AI ART!" or "give us back our search button" or similar but at the end, we just...took it. DA has still a lot problems with AI art, the mods are not really helpful, rules make really no sense (like their "adult art" rules make CLEARLY no sense AT.ALL.), the search button is still missing, theifs everywhere...and we just take it as it is...
The problem is also that DA is my biggest gallery even if it has problems - like hinted Adult stuff because literally only there, i have to "censor" it (which i mostly do in a fun way but its still annoying to do it everytime only and ONLY for 1 page...). I think a lot people stood already there where i do right now: "Should i leave it? Its my biggest follower count there and even the most favs and stats..."
I have to say, i dont know. as i said i simply dont know. Most of the problems i counted up never really botherd me tbh. Sure, art thiefs are not nice and that the UI gets worse and worse is really a pain to deal with most of the time but really didnt bother me that much. AI art sure is a thing and topic on its own but i think im not that much known that i "can" or "should" care about - i still create my art per hand and digital-scan it. Its not to special, i would say or guess, that suddendly AI art would "rob my style" or something.
I srsly duno tbh.
Ah yes, Sofurry or Yiffstar, as it was known back in the day was more of a joke-thing for me as i began uploading my poorly drawn "wanna be" adult arts. Looking back to it how bad they were makes me still smile. Still, Nowadays Sofurry feels literally like said things i counted up in the beginning, its the manifestation of fetishes which literally hints back to its name "YIFFstar". A furry page for adult art. Again, my account was literally only created there at first only for my adult-ish art. I didnt upload my other art there for a long time first and fact is i cant even remember myself when i just did upload all my artwork to it as well. It still gives me a sour-taste somewhat because, as i said, sofurry IS in its core still more for adult art - not "only" but mostly.
I would say i feel there mostly out of place since, my art, even the adult and mature things, are more from the classic-side and pretty much tame and vanilla next to the most things you "can" see literally everywhere there or on other furry pages. Its not like i have a problem with adult art but it feels weird when you go there and the frontpage is basically PAINTED with extreme adult art for the most of the time - not that some other furry pages would differ in that but Sofurry for most of its time let it kinda "feel" you the most i would say.
And again, im kinda to vanilla for many, MANY extreme fetishes. I dont like to get shit on, i dont like to get eatn and than shitted out, i dont like cum everywhere, i just enjoy a "good time" with a female, maybe a nice glass of wine, some dim light and yea...if it happens it happens. You might can say now im being a snowflake and you might be right that, in some corners, i sure am but again, if you see something like said things on a DAILYBASE, it i would even say, you know.
Next to this, because as i said as how my stuff and art i upload there "IS", it seems like my number are pretty low as well since it feels like i draw for a lot people "to" vanilla. I mean i do enjoy the classic tasty teasing pin-ups from the 90s and like...
...It doesnt look to good so far you might see that already haha
- Newgrounds
If there is one thing i learned from NG than it is 1 and literally one thing only: People are right if they say "back in the day it was a nice webpage but nowadays its a dumbstertruck". I never felt so out of place than on newgrounds, literally.
When ever there is a event, favoritsm and nepotism EVERYWHERE. I understand that the page "should" promote "we let our community do it"...but with already basically PICKING the favorites RIGHT at the frontpage AND viva BACKGROUND on the page? I mean just imagen you as "small someone" joins a webpage and when ever it has a seasonal (or similar) "event" running, insteed of just using its mascot it also already have some more known characters from OTHER artists there. Lets go with Furaffinity with that sample. Imagen, just IMAGEN, when ever there is a event, there would be art from EWS (this is just for a sample, i like EWS stuff a lot. i picked EWS only because he has basically a big name in the community, N O T to bash on him so dont understand it wrong, blah blah blah you know how i mean this sample...) as banner there. With his art, WITH his characters, literally EVERYtime.
This is what i literally call favoritsm and nepotism in its finest, Not only is this the case but also the voting system makes no god dang sense. I get it that you can give something like an art or game a rating between 0-5 stars, with each upping-vote can be even a half point system if wanted, but if people there feel basically already "pissed" if you give them like 3,5 stars because it indeed IS nothing new but better than normal (which would be literally 2,5 stars if you GO with the said voting system and the "golden middle") and similar things uploaded from more-known people there with little to next no effort gets literally fave-BOMBED by its followers and "5 stars oh it is SOOOOooOOOooOO" good "reviews" wile the actual product is basically so bad that you know not only YOU could do it better but people which ARE already LONGER on newgrounds might DID it already better but are just lesser known and get DISRESPECTED for THEIR doing feels like a kindergarden-warefare for me.
Literally. Im not even talking from my side of view here. I saw Artists which create really god dang great art there with barely any votes wile someone who draws "creatures" with tits all over the place gets 5-stars all the god dang time and if you only say ONE bad thing against the art OR anything at all OR give it not a 5 star voting, you get shit on for doing so because youre not running at the holy artist and lick their shoes.
I know as for me, im not a great artist nor would i say im perfect but i can at least say, i make misstakes. I can see my misstakes i do make from time to time and im 100% sure i can learn, not just in art but also in other things i do and im proud of being actually able to say that wile on NGs, some people try to talk you down for exactly that but in their work, those "misstakes" are actual featers, just saying.
It is one of the worst pages i use, to be honest, in nearly even "unfun" to upload stuff there because if youre honest, you have the feeling you get bullied off the page only because you might dont fit in WILE you actually "do" have the abilities to create something good or just need a "push in the right direction". It feels outright awful even from time to time and i might even only use it sooner or later for my games only, which noone really cares about anyway so it seems. Again, no offense of the ones which use and might "do" have a name here - it just feels a bit "over the top" if you ended up here, try something and literally get smacked in the face for what youre trying or your honest view of things around here - i can already bet i pissed of some people which are already grumble about said words being THAT honest here.
- Furaffinity
Now we seriously tackle the big one in the room, "the" page if we talk about IF we should keep using it "because", take it often as it is or just leave it for whatever 2nd-best opinion we have found. This is something like deviantart, at least FA gives a similar "vibe" being THAT honest here. I mean it doesnt have AI art "Y E T" but also vague rules which you have to read also like 2 3 4 times and still dont understand them fully only because the writer of the rules "seem" to not "hurt" any snowflake which can totally missunderstand their point there. Im serious here that FA and DA have this kind of feeling which is just weird overall. Sure FA has the better UI (gladly) but overall, i think its a more "we use it because its the most known page for such fandom stuff and take it as it is" situation than anything else. I mean, come on, how many people DID you guys already see like, they leave a page but literally side-kick FA in the balls because they are like "Im leaving this page because this page sucks but i stay on FA (SaDlY because it is my biggest AcCoUnT and i CaNt just simply LeAvE it BeCaUsE i have lots and lots of viewers of there BuT it Is So BaD AnYwAy...)..." - you know, "SUCH" kind of people. they leave other pages but kick back on FA because they know its basically the biggest furryart page yet to date - or at least "known" one. Sure they ARE others but not as good or..."as bad" as FA you could say.
Still...again, we just take it. We dont complain and if we do, a wile later, a lot and even youself...we just nod it off...
I mean FA is for me sure the biggest accoutn i have as well, next to DA maybe, and here i think i might fit "in" there the most. Its not that people "only" post furry art here, sure its MAINLY a furry art-page, hints the style and literal its name, but i saw people posing different art here as well.
Overall, as you might read (if you did thanks for surviving basically a clusterfuck of venttrucks there) its all a complex situation and even "I" dont know if i should just "leave" some of the pages or just go somewhere else. I mean i do have a discord server now and the people which are already on there enjoy the company, the good time and the events we do from time to time. they see the art mostly first (like 30 mins earlier so...yea lol) because of the easy upload and the cheerful welcome of it.
So yea...i dont know.
I seriously dont. I might "will" drop one of my accounts or not and even if i do, where should i go to "replace" it. Not many "good" AND "known" pages are outthere, at least not to many good ones if youre honest. Im not fully a furry artist since i draw also other things, i wouldnt even call myself "furry" because i feel out of touch with this fandom. Its...
...a weird situation, i guess.
ALlo long ass wall as well...kinda sorry for that one but i hope i hitted someones nerv here and that said someone understands what im talking about, thanks for reading though.