Before i jump into it:
We are talking Sonic.
Some hours ago, IGN told us about the new "Sonic Prime" animated series Netflix will run and, keeping it short, they shown us some new pictures of the "redesign" of the new characters. You can see said pictures here with the post and more infomation:
So and before i go around it: Why.
Why is it nowadays the trend that creators cut off females "front size"? Yes, Im talking about Rouge the Bats new design.
No, im not talking about her new Suit - which by all meanings is actually pretty cute and sweet and i love it (since i already enjoyed her similar design in Sonic Heroes) - im talking about her front size which is, nearly like Lola Bunnys redesign - compliedly gone.
What is it nowadays with creators and female characters? Again: Rouges design was F I N E. Who the fuck goes around with a knife and cuts of female boobs just because "THEY ARE TO FEMALE"??
Let me quote Faly on this:
Youre born "male". You have a huge wood. Now "sociality" demands that you dont "show" your male part to much...because its "to male"...
I mean it works for females by literally "cutting off"/"shrinking" the loaded front so..."
Srsly, I understand if some characters got a sizechange like the old vs new Lara Croft or Jessica Rabbits original design...but characters liek Rouge or Lola bunny had no problem with her DESIGN. It was the problem of "how do you animate them" and not "how their design is". This is something people dont get. Yes, Lola Bunny, as sample, H A D obvious sexual seductive moments in the original space jam as sample...BUT IS THAT A FUCKING REASON TO CUT OF HER BREASTS???
NO. It was not.
And same now this time with rouge. If the fucking animaters would fucking stop a n i m a t i n g her like a fucking slut well GUESS WHAT: there would be NO FUCKIIIING problem with her design!
Srsly in short now:
Im not raging about rouge new dress, im not mad that got an over haul but for FUCK sake, let a FEMALE be HAVE FEMALE T R A I T S!